Electronic Trading Rules and Regulations    (Indonesian)

You understand and agree that you are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your User ID, Password and OTP code, and agree not to provide them to any other person. You're responsible for any damages or losses resulting from any breach of security caused by your failure to maintain the confidentiality of your User ID, Password and OTP code.

Please note that once you are login to the system, you have agreed to the rules and regulation and understand the mechanism of the electronic trading.

  1. Before doing any transaction please monitor your margin sufficiency from time to time.
  2. Electronic trading system involves the risks associated with the system itself, such as failure on the operational hardware or software and the support facilities. The failure of the electronic system may make it impossible to execute your trades.
  3. Please note the prices given is updated every 5 seconds and your trade submission will be based on the price given during this interval. We reserve the right to refuse any request for amendment or cancellation of any trading upon submission.
  4. We reserve the right to "Cancel" any trades with
    1. Insufficient margin,
    2. Exceeded number of lots
    3. Bump quotes and technical problem that are caused by exchange feeds.
  5. After submitting trading, please wait until trading status become "Done" before sending a new trade.
  6. After trading submitted, you are required to check trade history before attempting the next trading to ensure the trading has been executed properly and to avoid unnecessary issues in the transaction.
  7. Minimum spread
    1. 16 points for HKK product
    2. 20 points for JPK product
    3. USD 0.80 for XUL (loco london) product
    4. 8 points/pips for Forex product
    5. USD 0.030 for XAG (loco london) product
  8. Limit or stop order did not guarantee your transaction can be done as in price your order. If there is price gap in between trading session, price will be done at open price of the next session.During trading session, order will be done at the next nearest price if the market price movement exceeds the queue price by gap.
  9. Limit/stop order will be valid till done or cancelled, if limit/stop order is not done or cancelled, then the limit/stop order will be carried forward to the next trading day.
  10. Transactions attempt too close to closing time might not be successful
  11. Please contact your marketing support if any interruption occurred during trading process
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